Interview with the photographer JULIA NIMKE
( People who are too lazy to read can scroll straight to the end - there's the podcast)
JB: Can you introduce yourself?
JN: My name is Julia Nimke. I am a photographer from Berlin in the area of travel and lifestyle photography.
JB: How did you get to photography?
JN: When I was about 11 years old, my stepfather gave me an Olympus mju. With that I started to photograph everything that came to my mind. Then followed the youth club where I took a photography course. In the darkroom, I learned to develop films and make positives. There, the idea of becoming a photographer has become established. Then I went the classical artisanal way and did an apprenticeship. Was then a fellow photographer and afterwards made my master behind and was with 22 photographer master. Since then I have only ever photographed except for a short attempt at geology.
JB: Which cameras do you use?
JN: My first SLR was a Canon and I stayed with it. At the moment I am shooting with a Canon 5D EOS Mark III. I also use a drone from Dji Mavic Pro.
JB: Which projects have you worked on the last time?
JN: For an airline, it goes to India and Nepal. For a car renta I company I'll make a solo trip to Iceland because I'm a big fan of "traveling alone". And for a small kayak company it goes to Brandenburg.
Some time ago we sent Julia some of our garments and she photographed them with her buddy Mike in his skate park in Brandenburg. The result are these wonderful, atmospheric pictures:
JB: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
JN: In 5 years I would like to have a small property with a small house in Brandenburg.
Professionally, I wish that it continues as well as before. Continue to see much of the world and make people aware with my photography how beautiful it is and that there's just one Earth which is worth protecting.
JB: What makes you happy?
JN: Basically, I am a very satisfied person. Thankful for the life I live and the possibilities I have. Happiness is still "on top" for me. This has a lot to do with "being outside" and taking pictures. Happiness is for me even if I manage to take a picture that captures the emotions I felt at this very moment. But I also enjoy moments with friends and good food.
JB: What does a typical day in the life of Julia Nimke look like?
JN: Even as a travel and lifestyle photographer, there is the "normal" day.
I get up, make a good cup of coffee, check my mails and make my way to the coworking space in Neukölln. From Friedrichshain where I live it is about 45 minutes. I try to walk this way to get a little exercise in the morning.
There I work from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm: write quotes, do customer acquisition. Send pictures here and there. Then there is a good dinner. On the weekends smaller trips to the lakes in Brandenburg.
JB: What is your favorite motif?
JN: A while ago I took this photo of these three sheep standing in formation like models in Iceland on a gravel road and looking into my camera.
JB: What do you think about the following keywords?
Social Media: It is important to use it consciously. Not for hours. I see my Instagram account as a business where I structurally do my posts to share my work daily. For me it's like another form of a different way of portraying a website. But you can't escape completely. I still catch myself looking absently at pictures every now and then look.
Music: Very important ingredient in my life and constant companion.
Role models: There is not one model. Finn Beales from Wales. But also older photographers like Ansel Adams , who brought with his zone system an insane dynamic into his black and white landscape shots.
Flow: Is there, is sometimes not there. For example, I was in the flow when I photographed Mike skateboarding. Since I did not have to think about where I position myself. The interaction with model and photographer was perfect in this shoot.
Inspiration: Comes in everyday life and when traveling again and again. Music and conversation with friends or strangers can inspire me. But also a good book and music. I try to keep my eyes open in everyday life for things that could inspire me.
Adventure: The right adventure doesn't exist in this form in which unexpected things happen because you already have so much insight.
The early great explorers have experienced adventures. They had no idea what areas they would hike and what would extend before their eyes. The miniform of it is a trip for me in which I am surprised what is behind the forest and not to go to Google Maps to know where the path goes.
Here's the podcast