We say thank you!
We are simply overwhelmed by the trust placed in us.

After only 8 weeks our jackets are practically sold out, none of us would have dared to dream of this 3 years ago.
In this context, a special thank you goes to all those of you who placed their trust in us with a pre-order in the summer. Thanks to you, our project could be planned very sustainably.
But since you've exceeded our expectations many times over, we've decided to fire up the sewing machines again in the next two weeks and produce a small edition of our "The JACKET" in deep black and wood green.
The really good thing about this is that not only you and we benefit from it, but also our small production partner, who we would otherwise have had to send on short-time work in December. In order to be informed in good time, please subscribe to the mailing list on the corresponding product detail page.
You are the best!Your JECKYBENG team